Friday, January 15, 2010

With Time

With time
you will learn to shoulder dense burdens
so incredibly heavy they once made your heart strain
and your lips mutter groans of agony
that the universe didn't seem to hear.

With time
what seemed unbearable will become mundane,
and the narrow tunnels for vision
will swell to allow tthe rest of the world
to come into focus at last,
although you will never see things the same.

With time even your nightmares will fade,
yielding the power they once had to
twist you into a sweaty knot in bed
and jolt you from sleep, wrapped up in damp sheets.

With time you will appreciate the sweet, buzzing numbnes--
the anesthesia you will fight with all your might at first
but learn to succomb to in order to feel less
and attempt to endure more

And you will endure more.

With time
you will learn there is no other option.

With time
you will simply learn to prevail.

Author unknown but suspected to be fellow blogger Nancy. I hope she will not mind me borrowing. This poem appeared on her blog some time ago and I printed it out and hung it on my refrigerator. Since that time, I think either I, or someone in my family, have read it every single day. Every. Single. Day.


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