A Bad Day.
Labels: anger, grief, pity party
When Josh died, the person I was died with him. Now I'm on a journey of re-birth. Painful, gutwrenching, full of angst though it may be, I am on it with the intent to grow and learn, and as always, love my son.
Labels: anger, grief, pity party
There really isn't any point in trying to express how bittersweet this day is for me. You've either walked in my shoes and get it on a gut level and don't need me to tell you how it feels because your living it.... or you haven't and there aren't enough words in the universe to express the roiling of emotions today brings.
The chain I wear around my neck was a gift from him. The tokens and charms that hang from it have been given to me on significant anniversaries since his death. Today I added one that says "survivor".
Maybe with time, I will come to believe it.